I started painting in 2007, while my career in marketing, advertising and branding.
In 2014, I quit my job and ever since I dedicate myself to my art.
I’m working with a variety of materials from oils on canvas, acrylics, watercolors and pastels to collages and to printing and etching techniques.
Following my previous career, I created a series of artworks, in oil on canvas, inspired by the impact of modern technologies and of the social media on the FEMININE PERSONA. Using photos I took myself and photos found on the web, I examined the fine line between authentic women and the somehow detached characters posing to the watchful eye of society.
In my recent artistic project, I use a collage technique to create a hybrid reality.
In the scenes that I create, architecture, characters and cultural symbols, from different periods in history and from different places, live side by side with my memories my dreams and my wishes. Most of them are gathered in imaginary living rooms created through the use of clippings from interiors magazines and fashion magazines, random abstract clippings taken from paintings that I paint in advance and on top of them another layer of paintings.
I am Drawing inspiration from Interiors and collages by Henri Matisse, Richard Hamilton and Jonas Wood.
I live and paint in Tel Aviv, Israel.